The Covenant Grants

Studio G-dcast 2.0: Training a National Cadre of Jewish Text Animators

Organization: BimBam, G-dcast, San Francisco, CA

Grant Year: 2015

Project Director: Ms. Sarah Lefton

Type of Grant: Signature

Grant Amount: $50,000 (1 year)


Arts and Culture
Professional Development

To fund an expansion of the Studio G-dcast Media Beit Midrash program by training a national cadre of educators to independently implement its methodology for using animation as a tool for Jewish text study as well as developing an online course geared towards b’nei mitzvah students and their teachers.

Bim-Bam sought to scale their impact through two offerings: a summer intensive training at the Siegal Lifelong Learning Program at Case Western Reserve (CWRU), and an online course available anytime.

At CWRU, Bim-Bam created a three-day Midrash “Maker Studio” for 30 students to follow the Studio G-dcast methodology and make animated shorts based on short divrei Torah they craft together. The work of these Maker Studio students would then share their work with the public on a new Youtube channel designed for public participation.

The online course is geared towards Bnei Mitzvah students of any age and their teachers.  It is a weekly course designed in roughly 10 minute segments wherein students come to find their own meaning in a parsha or haftara, explore commentaries and express their unique takeaway in a well-produced animated short. The output of the course for a student should be a two minute stop motion animation about a text, fit for screening as part of a Bnei Mitzvah. 

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