The Covenant Grants

Project 613: The RTFH Digital Badging Project Implementation

Organization: The Reform Temple of Forest Hills, Forest Hills, NY

Grant Year: 2014

Project Director: Faye Gilman

Type of Grant: Signature

Grant Amount: $98,320 (2 years)


After School Programs
Covenant Classroom
Digital Badging
Informal Education
Project Based Learning

To complete development, implementation, and roll-out of a digital badging system that, fully integrated with the congregational school curriculum (for grades K-7) in a Reform Jewish congregation, will support the blending of in-class and at-home learning objectives to more effectively engage and motivate students and their families while deepening their appreciation of and participation in Jewish content, education, and community religious education.

The badging project requires each student to complete “missions,” submit the results of those missions (which ranged from cooking a family recipe to visiting the Holocaust Museum and writing a paper about the experience) to their instructor online, and have the work reviewed and approved. When a student successfully completes the missions for a designated badge, the badge is awarded and the submitted materials are saved into a portfolio of the student’s work.

This project builds on a previous grant, which allowed for the development of the digital badging system. Project 613.2 will launch that system, initiate a rigorous ongoing quality improvement process, and make the program results available to Jewish educators nationally and contribute to the professional literature.

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