The Covenant Grants


Organization: Fiedler Hillel at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Grant Year: 2007

Project Director: Adam Simon

Type of Grant: Signature

Grant Amount: $150,000 (3 years)


Emerging Adults and Engagement

To research, establish, and develop a replicable model of a user-driven internet platform for Northwestern University students and young alumni to engage in fun and meaningful Jewish experiences both on- and off-line. HowDoYouJew? embraces and harnesses the technologies through which young adults live in order to engage Jewish young adults in the place they are most comfortable, the internet. The platform offers thoughtful content, the opportunity for dialogue on important issues, and personal and professional relationships and networking opportunities. This project also took advantage of what was becoming an internet trend, user-generated content. Alumni of Fiedler Hillel’s Campus Entrepreneurs Initiative were invited to maintain their own blogs reflecting on Jewish life for Northwestern-affiliated emerging adults from a wide variety of perspectives. These blogs focused on topics like politics, entertainment, the arts, the environment, social activism, sports, religion, food and domestic life, business, and science and included a variety of formats, such as text, video, photos, podcasts.

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