The Covenant Grants

Home for Dinner: Hazon Jewish Family Meals Initiative

Organization: Hazon, New York, NY

Grant Year: 2010

Project Director: Judith Belasco

Type of Grant: Signature

Grant Amount: $70,000 (2 years)


Community Connections
Family Education

To develop Home for Dinner, a synagogue-driven food-based initiative to be piloted in the San Francisco Bay Area to promote, support and enhance Jewish family life with development of resource and how-to guides, and an educational and training network for synagogue school officials.

American family life, including American Jewish family life, has spun more and more out of control, with overscheduled kids and under-connected families. Dinnertime is a time when adults and children can come together after being apart throughout the day, a unique time for families to break bread, interact and reconnect.

Home for Dinner engages families in their home, students in the classroom, and the families as a community together at the synagogue. This multi-faceted approach seeks to re-connect children, parents, and their synagogue community as they explore together the dynamic interplay of Jews, food, and our complex family lives

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