The Covenant Grants
Girls in Trouble Curriculum, Phase 2
Organization: Girls in Trouble, Portland, OR
Grant Year: 2017
Project Director: Alicia Jo Rabins
Type of Grant: Signature
Grant Amount: $70,000 (2 years)
Website: https://www.girlsintroublemusic.com/
Girls in Trouble – To launch Phase 2 of the Girls in Trouble Curriculum, in which 15 additional Biblical women will be brought to life through the powerful combination of art, music, and text.
The Girls in Trouble Curriculum is a series of in-depth study guides for encountering women of the Torah through art, created by musician and Jewish educator Alicia Jo Rabins. The curriculum reveals how the stories of the Torah’s female characters reflect the complexity of contemporary women’s lives, and how art can help us deepen our connections to these ancient texts. Each unit follows a woman character through Biblical story, rabbinic interpretations, visual art, and a Girls in Trouble song. The study guides are highly modular and designed to be adapted in a wide range of communities and settings. The materials are geared towards teens and adults, but many can be adapted for younger learners.
The proposed Phase 2 will complete the Girls in Trouble Curriculum, further expanding its reach and impact, by creating, piloting, and publishing curricular materials around the remaining fifteen Girls in Trouble songs. Not only will this enable educators and individuals to encounter fifteen more passages from the Torah through text study, song, personal reflection, and discussion, it will also offer fifteen additional opportunities for educators to use the curriculum in relation to holidays and the Jewish calendar.