The Covenant Grants
Facing History and Ourselves Jewish Text Project
Organization: Facing History and Ourselves, New York, NY
Grant Year: 2006
Project Director: Ms. Jan Darsa
Type of Grant: Signature
Grant Amount: $75,225 (3 years)
Website: https://www.facinghistory.org/
The grant funded the creation of the Facing History and Ourselves Jewish Text Project (JTP). Building on the internationally recognized strategies and resources of Facing History and Ourselves this initiative aims to integrate Jewish studies and general studies through the creation and dissemination of curricular materials linking the study of Jewish text (Biblical, Rabbinic, and contemporary) to the study of the Holocaust. Grant dollars supported the creation and distribution of this classroom resource as well as workshops and seminars for Jewish educators. Curricular units were created, then piloted and fine-tuned by educators involved with the program. All Facing History curricula go through a formal review and approval process. The JTP curriculum, Sacred Texts, Modern Questions: Connecting Ethics and History Through a Jewish Lens, was published and distributed to Facing History’s network of Jewish educators during the fall of 2012.
Jewish education professionals of middle and high school-age students (from both formal and informal settings).
To date, more than 1,000 Jewish education professionals have attended workshops and seminars. Facing History has produced eight JTP units, each with extensive supporting materials. The units were piloted in classrooms, summer sessions, and teacher professional development workshops around the country. JTP has substantially enriched the Jewish Education Program’s curricular resources and has allowed the program to integrate Judaic and general studies. This project has influenced other Facing History programs, particularly one for Catholic educators, and has stimulated Facing History teachers to produce their own supplementary materials. Sacred Texts, Modern Questions: Connecting Ethics and History Through a Jewish Lens continues to be available on the Facing History and Ourselves website.
Current Status
JTP is now a permanent part of Facing History’s Jewish Education Program and its resources are infused throughout.