The Covenant Grants

2020 Vision

Organization: JCC Manhattan, New York, NY

Grant Year: 2017

Project Director: Sonia Alexander and Beth Cooper Benjamin

Type of Grant: Ignition

Grant Amount: $20,000 (1 year)


Community Connections
Curriculum Development and Training
Social Justice

JCC Manhattan – To develop a curriculum beginning with a weeklong pilot program of 2020 Vision and continuing with a year-long civics “boot camp” course aimed at preparing teens for full participation in democratic society by training them in the art of civil discourse and introducing them to important topics such as news literacy, identifying community challenges, and encouraging activism.

2020 Vision will be a “boot camp” course on civic education for teens – age fourteen and older –who will be eligible to vote for the first time in the 2020 presidential election. Ultimately, 2020 Vision is intended as an intensive program engaging multiple cohorts of Jewish teens in what civic educators call action civics: deep learning about democratic institutions and community organizations, paired with opportunities to participate in democracy through organizing, advocacy, and engaging the media.

Topics and activities include news literacy; meeting with elected representatives; identifying community problems and encouraging activism; social justice giving circles; film and book clubs; hearing from exciting guest speakers with relevant expertise; running for elective office; and trips to places like the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN, and the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC. 


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