
ARTICLEEmbarking on a New Journey: Progressive, Humanitarian Jewish Learning at Hannaton

The Hannaton Educational Center and Leadership Institute is a site of Jewish learning in the Galilee region of Israel. Located on Kibbutz Hannaton, the Institute offers long and short term educational programs focusing on identity issues, pluralistic thought text study and leadership training for youth, educators, and community leaders from Israel and the Diaspora.

About to embark on a new journey, the Hannaton Educational Center is broadening its original vision and looking to change the nature of discourse about Judaism in Israel. Educators at Hannaton strive to teach the leaders of tomorrow to accept, incorporate and promote progressive, humanitarian Jewish values in Israeli society, and to reach out to like-minded individuals across the world to join them in their work - to make sure the future of Israel is one which saves a place for Jews of every movement, every stripe, and every affiliation.

Watch and learn more about Hannaton, here:

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